On board.

I want to help you. You might be just like me, someone who has come from a family of non-writers and non-editors. You might come from a background rich with published writers, seasoned editors, and professors. You might be surrounded by people who ask you, "What can you do with an English degree?" You might be someone who loves reading but dislikes writing, or someone who loves writing and dislikes reading. You might be someone wondering for the first time in your life, "How the hell do I get published?" or "What in the world is a literary agent?" or even "What am I writing about?"

I call this place The Awning. It is the place under which great inquiries, great observations, and fears, and wishes on stars about reading, writing, editing, and English academic interests and struggles rest easy.

You have to trust that I know what I'm talking about when I answer your questions. I will never lie to you. This would make my life miserable.